Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Whole lot of nothin'

Man, it's been a while since I posted. School is in full swing...Evan is eating and sleeping marching band and I'm working on getting my schedule of lessons set up. It's amazing how tricky it is to set up a full time lesson schedule. With 7 different schools that essentially have their band classes all at the same time it can be a fun, but challenging chore.

Evan recently got an iPhone and is in love with it. His phone got stolen on our honeymoon in Mexico and they rang up $1,000 worth of charges which Sprint has been not so awesome about. Therefore, no more Sprint, hello AT&T iPhone. I'm so jealous though, my contract with T-Mobile will be up soon and then I will also make the switch back to AT&T. I really got annoyed with the coverage when I was with them but it's worth it!

Couple of updates:
Today is Corey Gilmore's birthday...I think he's 32!
Courtney started as a full time student at TWU on Monday. She's exceedingly happy.
Kelly is less than 6 weeks away from her NYC wedding!
Lauren's baby girl is due Sept. 27.
Carolynn Grace Dominquez is getting baptised on Sept. 19.
The Beer Me League had a great draft last Saturday. Evan and I are in the same divison and I'm predicting Clan of the Cave Bear in first, Team 300 in second.
I chopped off all my hair.
Still anxiously awaiting wedding pictures and video. Stay tuned.
Racing the Blackland Triathlon on Monday.

I'll have a race report next week, see you then!

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