Monday, July 27, 2009

Chelsea vs Club America

Evan and I went to the new Cowboys Stadium last night to see Chelsea take on Club America in the World Football Challenge. It was really fun to watch the soccer game and get to see the new stadium. I think attendance was close to 58,000 and it was pretty even CA fans to Chelsea fans. (We thought it would be WAY more CA fans.) We gave the actual Stadium an A+, Entry (Parking and stuff) a B, and Exit (leaving the parking lot) a BIG FAT F. Until they get construction done it is the biggest beat down ever to leave that place. It was worth it because it was a great night, but a huge beating. Save the tailgating for afterwards while you're waiting.

1 comment:

Christy said...

I don't know why I'm not a follower. I promise I signed up. By the way, Abigail is having a fabulous time playing with the girls and going sliding and reading books, etc.