Wednesday, July 15, 2009

"I attended a music love-fest and a wedding broke out!"

I've spent my birthday morning rereading our wedding guest book cards. I am so glad everyone filled them out, it is such a special memory for us! I wanted to share pieces of some of my favorites:

"I attended a music love-fest and a wedding broke out!" Joe Dominguez

"Eat chocolate and have babies!" Christy James

"Since your wedding is a reflection of your future, expect a life full of great music and wonderful friends." Alexis Howland

"Best wedding EVER!" Mom Whittier

"...Some things in this world are too universal to have come about by chance. It's not just that you "should be" married (insert irritating pointed finger here). It's that you're supposed to be married. It is how we are built..." Aunt Susan Andrews

"Music is a language that unites you to each other, to those whom you meet, teach, and share life's memories." Tom Tomaszek

"A couple that marimbas together will give resonance to life." Michael Dooley

"Evan, you were right. Dream Theater ROCKS." Garrett Allen

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